ICONIFIED - Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
This state bit indicates that frame is iconified.
id - Variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event's id.
id - Variable in class java.awt.Event
Indicates which type of event the event is, and which other Event variables are relevant for the event.
IllegalComponentStateException - Exception in java.awt
Signals that an AWT component is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
IllegalComponentStateException() - Constructor for exception java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with no detail message.
IllegalComponentStateException(String) - Constructor for exception java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with the specified detail message.
Image - Class in java.awt
The abstract class Image is the superclass of all classes that represent graphical images.
Image() - Constructor for class java.awt.Image
ImageCapabilities - Class in java.awt
Capabilities and properties of images.
ImageCapabilities(boolean) - Constructor for class java.awt.ImageCapabilities
Creates a new object for specifying image capabilities.
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Repaints the component when the image has changed.
INACTIVE_CAPTION - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the SystemColor.inactiveCaption system color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the SystemColor.inactiveCaptionBorder system color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the SystemColor.inactiveCaptionText system color.
inactiveCaption - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the window-title background of inactive windows.
inactiveCaptionBorder - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the border around inactive windows.
inactiveCaptionText - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the window-title text of inactive windows.
INFO - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the SystemColor.info system color.
info - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the background of tooltips or spot help.
INFO_TEXT - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the SystemColor.infoText system color.
infoText - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the text of tooltips or spot help.
initializeDesktopProperties() - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event mask for selecting input method events.
INPUT_METHOD_FIRST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Marks the first integer id for the range of input method event ids.
INPUT_METHOD_LAST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Marks the last integer id for the range of input method event ids.
INPUT_METHOD_TEXT_CHANGED - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
The event type indicating changed input method text.
InputEvent - Class in java.awt.event
The root event class for all component-level input events.
InputMethodEvent - Class in java.awt.event
Input method events contain information about text that is being composed using an input method.
InputMethodEvent(Component, int, long, AttributedCharacterIterator, int, TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, time, text, caret, and visiblePosition.
InputMethodEvent(Component, int, AttributedCharacterIterator, int, TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, text, caret, and visiblePosition.
InputMethodEvent(Component, int, TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, caret, and visiblePosition.
InputMethodListener - Interface in java.awt.event
The listener interface for receiving input method events.
inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent) - Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Handles the inputMethodTextChanged event by invoking the inputMethodTextChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.event.InputMethodListener
Invoked when the text entered through an input method has changed.
insert(String, int) - Method in class java.awt.Choice
Inserts the item into this choice at the specified position.
INSERT - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
The Insert key, a non-ASCII action key.
insert(MenuItem, int) - Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a menu item into this menu at the specified position.
insert(String, int) - Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a menu item with the specified label into this menu at the specified position.
insert(String, int) - Method in class java.awt.TextArea
Inserts the specified text at the specified position in this text area.
insertSeparator(int) - Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a separator at the specified position.
insertText(String, int) - Method in class java.awt.TextArea
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by insert(String, int).
insets() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by getInsets().
insets - Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the external padding of the component, the minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its display area.
Insets - Class in java.awt
An Insets object is a representation of the borders of a container.
Insets(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.awt.Insets
Creates and initializes a new Insets object with the specified top, left, bottom, and right insets.
inside(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by contains(int, int).
inside(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by contains(int, int).
inside(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by contains(int, int).
intersection(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Computes the intersection of this Rectangle with the specified Rectangle.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Tests if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a specified rectangular area.
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Tests if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a specified Rectangle2D.
intersects(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Determines whether or not this Rectangle and the specified Rectangle intersect.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface java.awt.Shape
Tests if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a specified rectangular area.
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface java.awt.Shape
Tests if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a specified Rectangle2D.
intKey() - Method in class java.awt.RenderingHints.Key
Returns the private integer key that the subclass instantiated this Key with.
invalidate() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Invalidates this component and its ancestors.
invalidate() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Invalidates the container.
invalidate() - Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Invalidates or flushes any internally-cached data that depends on the vertex coordinates of this Polygon.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in interface java.awt.LayoutManager2
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
INVITE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
INVITE_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for Invitation Envelope, 220 x 220 mm.
INVOCATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
The default id for all InvocationEvents.
INVOCATION_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event mask for selecting invocation events.
INVOCATION_FIRST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Marks the first integer id for the range of invocation event ids.
INVOCATION_LAST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Marks the last integer id for the range of invocation event ids.
InvocationEvent - Class in java.awt.event
An event which executes the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
InvocationEvent(Object, Runnable) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Constructs an InvocationEvent with the specified source which will execute the runnable's run method when dispatched.
InvocationEvent(Object, Runnable, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Constructs an InvocationEvent with the specified source which will execute the runnable's run method when dispatched.
InvocationEvent(Object, int, Runnable, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Constructs an InvocationEvent with the specified source and ID which will execute the runnable's run method when dispatched.
INVOICE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for Invoice, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in.
invokeAndWait(Runnable) - Static method in class java.awt.EventQueue
Causes runnable to have its run method called in the dispatch thread of the system EventQueue.
invokeLater(Runnable) - Static method in class java.awt.EventQueue
Causes runnable to have its run method called in the dispatch thread of the system EventQueue.
ipadx - Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the internal padding of the component, how much space to add to the minimum width of the component.
ipady - Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the internal padding, that is, how much space to add to the minimum height of the component.
isAccelerated() - Method in class java.awt.ImageCapabilities
Returns true if the object whose capabilities are encapsulated in this ImageCapabilities can be or is accelerated.
isAccessibleChildSelected(int) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList
Returns true if the current child of this object is selected.
isAccessibleChildSelected(int) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Determines if the current child of this object is selected.
isActionKey() - Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
Returns whether the key in this event is an "action" key.
isActive() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether this Window is active.
isAltDown() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
isAltGraphDown() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the AltGraph modifier is down on this event.
isAlwaysOnTop() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether this window is an always-on-top window.
isAlwaysOnTopSupported() - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether the always-on-top mode is supported by this toolkit.
isAlwaysOnTopSupported() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether the always-on-top mode is supported for this window.
isAncestorOf(Component) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of this container.
isAutoRequestFocus() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether this window should receive focus on subsequently being shown (with a call to setVisible(true)), or being moved to the front (with a call to Window.toFront()).
isAutoWaitForIdle() - Method in class java.awt.Robot
Returns whether this Robot automatically invokes waitForIdle after generating an event.
isBackgroundSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether the background color has been explicitly set for this Component.
isBold() - Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font object's style is BOLD.
isCompatibleValue(Object) - Method in class java.awt.RenderingHints.Key
Returns true if the specified object is a valid value for this Key.
isConsumed() - Method in class java.awt.AWTEvent
Returns whether this event has been consumed.
isConsumed() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
isConsumed() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
isControlDown() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
isCursorSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether the cursor has been explicitly set for this Component.
isCyclic() - Method in class java.awt.GradientPaint
Returns true if the gradient cycles repeatedly between the two colors C1 and C2.
isDesktopSupported() - Static method in class java.awt.Desktop
Tests whether this class is supported on the current platform.
isDispatched() - Method in class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Returns true if the event is dispatched or any exception is thrown while dispatching, false otherwise.
isDispatchThread() - Static method in class java.awt.EventQueue
Returns true if the calling thread is the current AWT EventQueue's dispatch thread.
isDisplayable() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is displayable.
isDisplayChangeSupported() - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Returns true if this GraphicsDevice supports low-level display changes.
isDoubleBuffered() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns true if this component is painted to an offscreen image ("buffer") that's copied to the screen later.
isDynamicLayoutActive() - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether dynamic layout of Containers on resize is currently active (both set in program ( isDynamicLayoutSet() ) , and supported by the underlying operating system and/or window manager).
isDynamicLayoutSet() - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether the layout of Containers is validated dynamically during resizing, or statically, after resizing is complete.
isEditable() - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Indicates whether or not this text component is editable.
isEmpty() - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Determines whether the RectangularShape is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class java.awt.RenderingHints
Returns true if this RenderingHints contains no key-value mappings.
isEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Determines if the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Determine if the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Determines if the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Checks whether this menu item is enabled.
isErrorAny() - Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Checks the error status of all of the images.
isErrorID(int) - Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Checks the error status of all of the images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.
isFocusable() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether this Component can be focused.
isFocusableWindow() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether this Window can become the focused Window, that is, whether this Window or any of its subcomponents can become the focus owner.
isFocusCycleRoot(Container) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether the specified Container is the focus cycle root of this Component's focus traversal cycle.
isFocusCycleRoot(Container) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Returns whether the specified Container is the focus cycle root of this Container's focus traversal cycle.
isFocusCycleRoot() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Returns whether this Container is the root of a focus traversal cycle.
isFocusCycleRoot() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Always returns true because all Windows must be roots of a focus traversal cycle.
isFocused() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns whether this Window is focused.
isFocusOwner() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns true if this Component is the focus owner.
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Deprecated. As of 1.4, replaced by isFocusable().
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Returns whether this container provides focus traversal policy.
isFocusTraversalPolicySet() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Returns whether the focus traversal policy has been explicitly set for this Container.
isFontSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether the font has been explicitly set for this Component.
isForegroundSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether the foreground color has been explicitly set for this Component.
isFrameStateSupported(int) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether Toolkit supports this state for Frames.
isFullScreenRequired() - Method in class java.awt.BufferCapabilities
isFullScreenSupported() - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Returns true if this GraphicsDevice supports full-screen exclusive mode.
isGraphicsConfigSupported(GraphicsConfiguration) - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsConfigTemplate
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the specified GraphicsConfiguration can be used to create a drawing surface that supports the indicated features.
isHeadless() - Static method in class java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment
Tests whether or not a display, keyboard, and mouse can be supported in this environment.
isHeadlessInstance() - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment
Returns whether or not a display, keyboard, and mouse can be supported in this graphics environment.
isHorizontal() - Method in class java.awt.ComponentOrientation
Are lines horizontal? This will return true for horizontal, left-to-right writing systems such as Roman.
isImageAutoSize() - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Returns the value of the auto-size property.
isIndexSelected(int) - Method in class java.awt.List
Determines if the specified item in this scrolling list is selected.
isItalic() - Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font object's style is ITALIC.
isLeftToRight() - Method in class java.awt.ComponentOrientation
HorizontalLines: Do items run left-to-right?
Vertical Lines: Do lines run left-to-right?
This will return true for horizontal, left-to-right writing systems such as Roman.
isLightweight() - Method in class java.awt.Component
A lightweight component doesn't have a native toolkit peer.
isLocationByPlatform() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Returns true if this Window will appear at the default location for the native windowing system the next time this Window is made visible.
isMaximumSizeSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns true if the maximum size has been set to a non-null value otherwise returns false.
isMetaDown() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
isMinimumSizeSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns whether or not setMinimumSize has been invoked with a non-null value.
isModal() - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Indicates whether the dialog is modal.
isModalExclusionTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalExclusionType) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether the given modal exclusion type is supported by this toolkit.
isModalityTypeSupported(Dialog.ModalityType) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Returns whether the given modality type is supported by this toolkit.
isMultiBufferAvailable() - Method in class java.awt.BufferCapabilities
isMultipleMode() - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Returns whether the file dialog allows the multiple file selection.
isMultipleMode() - Method in class java.awt.List
Determines whether this list allows multiple selections.
ISO_2A0 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS 2A0, 1189 x 1682 mm.
ISO_4A0 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS 4A0, 1682 x 2378 mm.
ISO_A0 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A0, 841 x 1189 mm.
ISO_A1 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A1, 594 x 841 mm.
ISO_A10 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A10, 26 x 37 mm.
ISO_A2 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A2, 420 x 594 mm.
ISO_A3 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A3, 297 x 420 mm.
ISO_A4 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A4, 210 x 297 mm.
ISO_A5 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A5, 148 x 210 mm.
ISO_A6 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A6, 105 x 148 mm.
ISO_A7 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A7, 74 x 105 mm.
ISO_A8 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A8, 52 x 74 mm.
ISO_A9 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN & JIS A9, 37 x 52 mm.
ISO_B0 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B0, 1000 x 1414 mm.
ISO_B1 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B1, 707 x 1000 mm.
ISO_B10 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B10, 31 x 44 mm.
ISO_B2 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B2, 500 x 707 mm.
ISO_B3 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B3, 353 x 500 mm.
ISO_B4 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B4, 250 x 353 mm.
ISO_B4_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_B4.
ISO_B5 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B5, 176 x 250 mm.
ISO_B5_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_B5.
ISO_B6 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B6, 125 x 176 mm.
ISO_B7 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B7, 88 x 125 mm.
ISO_B8 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B8, 62 x 88 mm.
ISO_B9 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN B9, 44 x 62 mm.
ISO_C0 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C0, 917 x 1297 mm.
ISO_C0_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C0.
ISO_C1 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C1, 648 x 917 mm.
ISO_C10 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C10, 28 x 40 mm.
ISO_C10_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C10.
ISO_C1_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C1.
ISO_C2 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C2, 458 x 648 mm.
ISO_C2_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C2.
ISO_C3 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C3, 324 x 458 mm.
ISO_C3_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C3.
ISO_C4 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C4, 229 x 324 mm.
ISO_C4_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C4.
ISO_C5 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C5, 162 x 229 mm.
ISO_C5_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C5.
ISO_C6 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C6, 114 x 162 mm.
ISO_C6_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C6.
ISO_C7 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C7, 81 x 114 mm.
ISO_C7_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C7.
ISO_C8 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C8, 57 x 81 mm.
ISO_C8_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C8.
ISO_C9 - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO/DIN C9, 40 x 57 mm.
ISO_C9_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ISO_C9.
ISO_DESIGNATED_LONG - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for ISO Designated Long, 110 x 220 mm.
ISO_DESIGNATED_LONG_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
isOnKeyRelease() - Method in class java.awt.AWTKeyStroke
Returns whether this AWTKeyStroke represents a key release.
isOpaque() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns true if this component is completely opaque, returns false by default.
isOpaque() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Indicates if the window is currently opaque.
isPageFlipping() - Method in class java.awt.BufferCapabilities
isPlain() - Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font object's style is PLAIN.
isPopupTrigger() - Method in class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Returns whether or not this mouse event is the popup menu trigger event for the platform.
isPreferredSizeSet() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns true if the preferred size has been set to a non-null value otherwise returns false.
isResizable() - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Indicates whether this dialog is resizable by the user.
isResizable() - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Indicates whether this frame is resizable by the user.
isSelected(int) - Method in class java.awt.List
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by isIndexSelected(int).
isShiftDown() - Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
isShowing() - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Determines if the object is showing.
isShowing() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is showing on screen.
isShowing() - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Determine if the object is showing.
isShowing() - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Determines if the object is showing.
isShowing() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Checks if this Window is showing on screen.
isSupported(Desktop.Action) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Tests whether an action is supported on the current platform.
isSupported() - Static method in class java.awt.SystemTray
Returns whether the system tray is supported on the current platform.
isTearOff() - Method in class java.awt.Menu
Indicates whether this menu is a tear-off menu.
isTemporary() - Method in class java.awt.event.FocusEvent
Identifies the focus change event as temporary or permanent.
isTransformed() - Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font object has a transform that affects its size in addition to the Size attribute.
isTranslucencyCapable() - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration
Returns whether this GraphicsConfiguration supports the PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT kind of translucency.
isTrueVolatile() - Method in class java.awt.ImageCapabilities
Returns true if the VolatileImage described by this ImageCapabilities can lose its surfaces.
isUndecorated() - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Indicates whether this dialog is undecorated.
isUndecorated() - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Indicates whether this frame is undecorated.
isValid() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is valid.
isValidateRoot() - Method in class java.awt.Container
Indicates if this container is a validate root.
isValidateRoot() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Indicates if this container is a validate root.
isVisible() - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Determines if the object is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component should be visible when its parent is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Determine if the object is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Determines if the object is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class java.awt.SplashScreen
Determines whether the splash screen is visible.
isWheelScrollingEnabled() - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Indicates whether or not scrolling will take place in response to the mouse wheel.
isWindowTranslucencySupported(GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency) - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Returns whether the given level of translucency is supported by this graphics device.
ITALIC - Static variable in class java.awt.Font
The italicized style constant.
ITALY - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for ITALY_ENVELOPE.
ITALY_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
The MediaType instance for Italy Envelope, 110 x 230 mm.
ITEM_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event mask for selecting item events.
ITEM_FIRST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
The first number in the range of ids used for item events.
ITEM_LAST - Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
The last number in the range of ids used for item events.
ITEM_STATE_CHANGED - Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
This event id indicates that an item's state changed.
ItemEvent - Class in java.awt.event
A semantic event which indicates that an item was selected or deselected.
ItemEvent(ItemSelectable, int, Object, int) - Constructor for class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
Constructs an ItemEvent object.
ItemListener - Interface in java.awt.event
The listener interface for receiving item events.
ItemSelectable - Interface in java.awt
The interface for objects which contain a set of items for which zero or more can be selected.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Handles the itemStateChanged event by invoking the itemStateChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class java.awt.Checkbox.AccessibleAWTCheckbox
Fire accessible property change events when the state of the toggle button changes.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.event.ItemListener
Invoked when an item has been selected or deselected by the user.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList
This document was created by Dulcet from the OpenJDK sources. Copyright © 1993, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
