
Class List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, javax.accessibility.Accessible, javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
    Enclosing class:
    protected class List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild extends Component.AccessibleAWTComponent implements javax.accessibility.Accessible
    This class implements accessibility support for List children. It provides an implementation of the Java Accessibility API appropriate to list children user-interface elements.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Fields 
      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_ACTION_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the supported set of actions has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the active descendant of a component has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_CARET_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleText caret has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when Accessible children are added/removed from the object.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_COMPONENT_BOUNDS_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      PropertyChangeEvent which indicates that a change has occurred in a component's bounds.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleDescription property has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_HYPERTEXT_OFFSET Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that a hypertext element has received focus.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_INVALIDATE_CHILDREN Reveal DetailHide Detail
      PropertyChangeEvent which indicates that a significant change has occurred to the children of a component like a tree or text.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_NAME_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleName property has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_SELECTION_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleSelection has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleStateSet property has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_CAPTION_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the table caption has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be an Accessible representing the previous table caption and the new value will be an Accessible representing the new table caption.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the column description has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be null and the new value will be an Integer representing the column index.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the column header has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be null and the new value will be an AccessibleTableModelChange representing the header change.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that table data has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_ROW_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the row description has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be null and the new value will be an Integer representing the row index.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the row header has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be null and the new value will be an AccessibleTableModelChange representing the header change.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_SUMMARY_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to indicate that the table summary has changed The old value in the PropertyChangeEvent will be an Accessible representing the previous table summary and the new value will be an Accessible representing the new table summary.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED Reveal DetailHide Detail
      PropertyChangeEvent which indicates that text attributes have changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_TEXT_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      PropertyChangeEvent which indicates that text has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_VALUE_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the accessibleValue property has changed.
      Inherited member indicator ACCESSIBLE_VISIBLE_DATA_PROPERTY Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Constant used to determine when the visual appearance of the object has changed.
    • Constructors 
      Constructor and Description
      Ordinary member indicator List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild Reveal DetailHide Detail
    • Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      Overridden member indicator addFocusListener Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Adds the specified focus listener to receive focus events from this component.
      Inherited member indicator addPropertyChangeListener Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
      Overridden member indicator contains Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Checks whether the specified point is within this object's bounds, where the point's x and y coordinates are defined to be relative to the coordinate system of the object.
      Inherited member indicator firePropertyChange Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Support for reporting bound property changes.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleAction Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleAction associated with this object that supports one or more actions.
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleAt Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Returns the Accessible child, if one exists, contained at the local coordinate Point.
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleChild Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Return the specified Accessible child of the object.
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleChildrenCount Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Returns the number of accessible children of the object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleComponent Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleComponent associated with this object if one exists.
      Ordinary member indicator getAccessibleContext Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleContext for this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleDescription Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the accessible description of this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleEditableText Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleEditableText associated with this object presenting editable text on the display.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleIcon Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleIcons associated with an object that has one or more associated icons
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleIndexInParent Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the 0-based index of this object in its accessible parent.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleName Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the accessible name of this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleParent Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the Accessible parent of this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleRelationSet Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleRelationSet associated with an object
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleRole Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the role of this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleSelection Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleSelection associated with this object which allows its Accessible children to be selected.
      Overridden member indicator getAccessibleStateSet Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the state set of this object.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleTable Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleTable associated with an object
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleText Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleText associated with this object presenting text on the display.
      Inherited member indicator getAccessibleValue Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the AccessibleValue associated with this object that supports a Numerical value.
      Overridden member indicator getBackground Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the background color of this object.
      Overridden member indicator getBounds Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
      Overridden member indicator getCursor Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the Cursor of this object.
      Overridden member indicator getFont Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the Font of this object.
      Overridden member indicator getFontMetrics Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the FontMetrics of this object.
      Overridden member indicator getForeground Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Get the foreground color of this object.
      Overridden member indicator getLocale Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the locale of the component.
      Overridden member indicator getLocation Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Gets the location of the object relative to the parent in the form of a point specifying the object's top-left corner in the screen's coordinate space.
      Overridden member indicator getLocationOnScreen Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Returns the location of the object on the screen.
      Overridden member indicator getSize Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Returns the size of this object in the form of a Dimension object.
      Overridden member indicator isEnabled Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Determine if the object is enabled.
      Overridden member indicator isFocusTraversable Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
      Overridden member indicator isShowing Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Determine if the object is showing.
      Overridden member indicator isVisible Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Determine if the object is visible.
      Overridden member indicator removeFocusListener Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Removes the specified focus listener so it no longer receives focus events from this component.
      Inherited member indicator removePropertyChangeListener Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
      Overridden member indicator requestFocus Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Requests focus for this object.
      Inherited member indicator setAccessibleDescription Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Sets the accessible description of this object.
      Inherited member indicator setAccessibleName Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Sets the localized accessible name of this object.
      Inherited member indicator setAccessibleParent Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Sets the Accessible parent of this object.
      Overridden member indicator setBackground Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the background color of this object.
      Overridden member indicator setBounds Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
      Overridden member indicator setCursor Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the Cursor of this object.
      Overridden member indicator setEnabled Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the enabled state of the object.
      Overridden member indicator setFont Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the Font of this object.
      Overridden member indicator setForeground Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the foreground color of this object.
      Overridden member indicator setLocation Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
      Overridden member indicator setSize Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
      Overridden member indicator setVisible Reveal DetailHide Detail
      Set the visible state of the object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
This document was created by Dulcet from the OpenJDK sources. Copyright © 1993, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
