Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
compose   |
void compose(java.awt.image.Raster src,
java.awt.image.Raster dstIn,
java.awt.image.WritableRaster dstOut)
Composes the two source Raster objects and
places the result in the destination
WritableRaster .
void compose(java.awt.image.Raster src,
java.awt.image.Raster dstIn,
java.awt.image.WritableRaster dstOut)
Composes the two source Raster objects and
places the result in the destination
WritableRaster . Note that the destination
can be the same object as either the first or second
source. Note that dstIn and
dstOut must be compatible with the
dstColorModel passed to the
method of the Composite interface.
- Parameters:
src - the first source for the compositing operationdstIn - the second source for the compositing operationdstOut - the WritableRaster into which the
result of the operation is stored- See Also:
dispose   |
void dispose()
Releases resources allocated for a context.
void dispose()
Releases resources allocated for a context.
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